Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Anastasia of the Ringing Cedar series written by Vladanir Megre

lava from the EVP Reverse Speaking Site has given me reason to revisit this reversal to try to decipher it again.

lava says on May 14th, 2010 at 8:09 pm

"Right now, I’m working on EFT and Ringing Cedars reversals, using audio from video clips. I did reversals on Anastasia several months ago, by reading text from book 6, and heard references to wolf and fibs. I’d like to confirm (or dispute) those early reversals."

My response to lava............
L.W. on May 14th, 2010 at 10:22 pm
I am so looking forward to your Anastasia reversals. I did some reversals on her but not from reading from her books. I lack the patience for that. I just asked what I wanted to know, but then I couldn't decipher any of it. It all seemed a jumble mess to me. I am fairly new to rs and if it isn't laid out in black and white I am like - huh? But because you have found some lies, I am reading over my past rs and trying to decipher it. I don't know if my interpretation is correct though.
f- Anastasia stuff that's going around
r-along yo that fucks, hashish the net (Anastasia stuff fucks with you along with all the other mixed up crap along with some truth going around)
f-what about the Space of Love and what is
r-we’ll never fuss see a boo sh sit bobido (Space of Love is all a bunch of bullshit)

f- Supposedly has a ray of light that she can
r- a neck/net is that, ya will there rook (her ray of light is some sort of net)
f- She supposedly lives in Russia
r-hush her if they real, busy work with snake (Anastasia works for a reptile)
f-Annastasia’s ray of love
r-vamixverah whatever associates the net (again the ray of love is a net)
f-and loves her and protects her
r-Earth’s get, may Earth’s fall net (Anastasia’s net will fall in May? Or may the Earth’s net fall?)
f-notize and away with images
r-she is unique, the real one this earth got (Unique in what way? The real what? A real reptile? A real hybrid?)


From this reversal about Anastasia:

r-she is unique, the real one this earth got

Also I kind of think that Anastasia's ray of love/light may be a net that she has made friends with. I reversed to see if that was a correct statement but I couldn't decipher it.

The rs did reveal that the reps wanted to keep the book quiet and out of the lime light.

I also wondered why Anastasia never disclosed information about reptiles and the reverse said that maybe she considered it but decided not to in the end?

f-She never once goes into reptiles devouring people
r-will we nero a vic, she was but there is nasty work snow among us

My complete forwards and reverses below:

Anastasia of the Ringing Cedar series written by Vladanir Megre.

f- Vladanir Megre
r- your vimem madalf

f- Vladanir Megre
r- here again marine the nalv

f-Anastsia of the Ringing Cedar series written by
r- yah em im series sure of these mini verva, as yes fin at

f- You know there are some things that don't understand that doesn't quite
r-we are nurses for my, sure no orgasm get nurse through my

f-Who is Anastasia of the Anastasia series book by Vladamir Megre? She supposedly lives in Russia in these virgin forests, Taiga, the Taiga forest. Supposedly has a ray of light that she can beam around and protect her and has some love and hat about the Space of Love and what is the reppy influence in all of this? Anastasia stuff that's going around and what is this she talks about these six ancient priests? There're six of them, these six, like, they're like sorcerers who are six priest magicians who rule the world or run the world and the worls is that way because of these priests who have images who can implant images to people and hypnotize them in that way with images. She never once goes into reptiles devouring people. She even goes onto another planet and saves another planet, but if that's possible, then what about the net that keeps us away from other planets or was she going to another planet, or another dimension that is within the net? You know there are some things that don't understand that doesn't quite match up with reverse speech.

f- match up with reverse speech.
r- sheeps serve you, help us and

f-or was she going to another planet, or another dimension that is within the net
r-and the nets sits and then its nen and then there are nab in the nooks knew it, be sewer it will

f- the net that keeps us away from other planets
r-nay not the numb of fear war, serfs ifs it, end it

f- then what about
r-water new weather

f-but if that's possible
r-all was fought as figure

f- and saves another planet
r-then ask with thun nurse face in it

f- She even goes onto another planet
r- then naf the nunner, mayis nish your nay vish

f-She never once goes into reptiles devouring people
r-will we nero a vic, she was but there is nasty work snow among us

f-notize and away with images
r-she is unique, the real one this earth got

f- images who can implant images ,should the people and hyp
r-bic know all, we put this sewers emit, now manic this, see age limit

f- the world is that way because of these priests who have
r-va who sear, see if this vee all adds to the wood

f-who rule the world or run the world and
r-live our one down the law, woods lore

f-priest magicians who
r-woo soon sits into fear

f- like, they're like sorcerers who are six
r-spits through earth, serves rough, gather again

f-There're six of them, these six
r-spits through my verse gets to it

f- and what is this she talks about these six ancient priests
r-sheef nis nee spish see, why this cock tissue in though me

f- Anastasia stuff that's going around
r-along yo that fucks, hashish the net

f- the reppy influence in all of this
r-shiver all innate, snow roof net, Eve parrot

f-what about the Space of Love and what is
r-we'll never fuss see a boo sh sit bobido

f- beam around and protect her and has some love and
r-move this law mmm must say nay earth ya this men why rummy

f- Supposedly has a ray of light that she can
r- a neck/net is that, ya will there rook

f-she supposedly has
r-sa hell is you vixes

f-um, Taiga, the Taiga forest
r-sherrif foot la with there tha, ma

f-in these virgin forests
r-sherrif make ther within

f- She supposedly lives in Russia
r-hush her if they real busy work with snake

f-book by Vladamir Megre?
r-air clean, her involve in ya book

f-Anastasia series
r-series hush, see it the net

f-Who is Anastasia of the
r-herva her see its finate see ooo

She has a ray of love that that follows her around and protects her that's a correction, Ray of Love. Annastasia's ray of love.

f-Annastasia's ray of love
r-vamixverah whatever associates the net

f-that's a correction, Ray of Love
r-va rook va err an this air rook with her

f-that follows her around and protects her
r-earths gather net why rose show love at

f-she has a ray of love
r-lone verever say heesh

Okay, so I gather, Anastasia's ray of love is nothing but a net that was put on her, around her, that she has made friends with. Is this correct? She has made friends with her net and her net acknowledges her and loves her and protects her. Is this what is happening?

f- Is this what is happening?
r- in hospital visit

f-and loves her and protects her
r-Earth's get, may Earth's fall net

f-and her net acknowledges her
r-Earth is still on, get in her net

f-She has made friends with her net
r-and ner the nerve him the heesh

f-that she has made friends with. Is this correct?
r-ya rook sits it, help nerve him the he sit

f- that was put on her, around her
r-her ma wrote, her mother sweat

f- is nothing but a net
r-any them net funds it

f-Okay, so I gather, Anastasia's ray of love
r-her volver air roof will shay va sin at Earth figot with say book

Sitting in a Jacuzzi Bath Remove Chips?

I wonder if getting into a Jacuzzi bath everyday will get rid of mind control devices. I read that Susan Reed used to do it to get rid of hers but I wanted to reverse to see if it in fact does work.

From my previous reverse, rs said that Susan tried this because she thought that it might help but rs did not say if it actually worked or not. Here taken from my previous post about Susan sitting in a Jacuzzi bath for 2 hours to help rid the mind control devices she had, my rs says that she just thought it may help to ensure her survival...

f- 2 hours or something and it took away all her
r-her thought a work with thinning it neccess for survival

So now I ask in a separate post to clarify the question.

Rs sums it all up in one sentence here in a very humorous way at that...

f- does getting into a Jacuz
r- fish do it, negative fad

Well, I guess it doesn't work then. Oh well, back to the drawing board...

Interesting reversals taken from below but off the subject:

earl invented reiki

Vishnu's negative

Full forwards and backwards below.

My Question:
What about getting into a jacuzzi everyday to get rid of chips and mind control devices? Does that work? A simple yes or no will suffice and please stick to that question and answer. I don't need to go on about what is going on in the universe or any of that. A simple yes or no is fine, unless you find it pertinent to tell me what is going on in the universe.

f- pertinent to tell me what is going on in the universe.
r- serpent in and on you still we must mend through

f- A simple yes or no is fine, unless you find it
r- been off for some and now so honor self

f- going on in the universe or any of that. A simple
r- much sad now even know sure when you will moving on know

f- question and answer. I don't need to go on about what
r- been grabbing all with the being what ever's at, not neccessar(y)

f- A simple yes or no will suffice and please stick to that
r- add this achievement, sad for foreigner, say you miss it

f- and mind control devices? Does that work?
r- Earl adds it, its here revolve nic mare met

f- What about getting into a jacuzzi bath everyday to get rid of chips
r-spit water at this gate, the ray is Zeus, put them in ick, what the know

So what does that mean? Why isn't it recording?
Does getting into a jacuzzi bath everyday for at least 2 hours remove some mind control devices if not all? Does it remove all or some? Does it remove any at all? Jacuzzi bath everyday?

f- any at all? Jacuzzi bath everyday?
r- here you with had with zeus is fall in net

f- Does it remove all or some? Does it remove
r- whom that resist, whom the resin monster wah

f-some mind control devices if not all
r- mall answer through seer with more newf nam must

f- day for at least 2 hours remove
r- full misera oats view earth fate

f-Jacuzzi bath every
r- Eve ret sad be Zeus

f- does getting into a Jacuz
r- fish do it, negative fad

f- So what does this mean?
r- name outfit the war oars

My Question:
Okay, so if getting into a jacuzzi bath doesn't work to get rid of chips and mind control devices, if that is correct, I got that information correct- it does not work, then what does? What works to get rid of mind control devices and chips and implants? What works? Does faster eft tapping with intention to get rid of it work? Does magnets work? What is the solution? Sending love to it work?

f- Sending love to it work?
r- her wished on in this

f- What is the solution?
r- nin this, net sure was the freak though

f- magnets work
r- hurts in yam

f- um does
r- sit the

f- to get rid of it work
r- earl invented reiki

f- tapping with intention
r-nish nack myth through, hang it back

f- Does faster eft
r- bees fight Earth's falsehood (talking about bee bombers?)

f- What works, uh
r- uh, screw up

f-and chips and implants
r- its now me and nah fish and mah

f-mind control devices
r-fear the wolf nic nem

f-then what does? What works to get rid of
r-follow a gift, it's earl ow, it's a act though, own it

f-I got that information correct, it does not work?
r-earl answers the earth, mi-serves fire bite ya

f-if that is correct
r-hair rook, she loves it

f-to get rid of chips and mind control devices
r-Zeus here revolve with them this fish federate it

f-Okay, so if getting into a jacuzzi bath doesn't work
r-earl witnesses hard, be Zeus, Vishnu's negative, it was see ache bur

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed

The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed
The book talks about those that are of higher consciousness so they are aware of what is really going on upon Earth. They are netted, nabbed, have past lives erased, and put in reptilian vaults, left in suspended animation in limbo forever, but still totally conscious of their surrounding, so they are left in what will seem to them as a hell state. They do not reincarnate back to Earth to help humanity. What does the reverse have to say about this?
f-to help humanity
r-he’s been ambushed for hell

f-spirit gets housed in one of these reptilian vaults
r-it’s off negative rivey down this lost their spirits

What about people who have their past lives erased and replaced with another’s past lives and memories? Do they have extra karma put onto them, having to relive mistakes over and over again, their own and others?

f-come back and reincarnate
r-in earth lay in the karma

Here rs talks about the history of how Eve helped from within the nets and nabbed the bad guys.

f-remove all their past lives and Karma, wipe the slate clean
r-leave your seatbelt, hammer net, we are sack with war, room you

f-let’s see, um
r-ma hits ne(t)

f-so they can um capture them
r-mother smack in my naked doors

f- still going up and netting
r-within a net Ma nails wuss

f- reptilians behind them? Are these mini nets
r-standing in zeather Ma nail hits negative

Reverse talks about how the nets used to hold those who knew the truth, as captures, but no longer. They are all free. The ONE and EVE freed them all, and they are not cooperating with their net that used to cord them and keep them from reincarnating back to Earth to help humanity:

f-they get suspended there, sort of like a suspended animation where they can’t
r-miss HIM, Ma in nets, this single little thread, in nabs in him, nigh(t) be through (be done freeing them by nightfall)

What about people and their individual nets? People walking around with them in their daily lives?

f- people still
r-would hold me

f- individual nets
r-stand most live in it

Yes, people are walking around with individual nets still but they won’t hold. It ends and people will no longer have to cooperate with them.

f- and are people walking around all netted and what happens
r-its never held me, it end, Ma, nor we coop(erate) with the net

To end this post…

f- and, uh, they, their agenda is to keep
r-we descend right through it, heal the net

f- Do these nets get um
r-ma eggs end V, good (Eve’s pregnant and with the birth of MOM’s new babies, they will end all the reppy induced pain and heal all)

f- our true MOM and DAD for healing.
r-release your sadness, MOM loves ya

My complete forward and reversals for this post is below. Be sure to read it to get other good reversals.

My Question:
So then what happens when people are walking around with all those nets and when they die? Do they get removed when they die? Do they get hung in suspension in vaults somewhere? I don’t think that happens. So they must get removed and then get sent to our true MOM and DAD for healing.

f- our true MOM and DAD for healing.
r-release your sadness, Mom loves ya

f- get removed and then get sent to
r-this mess with net rule me ray

f- that happens. So they must
r-some we lose, never have

f- suspension in vaults somewhere? I don’t think
r-and if we arm was full and endless nerve this

f- when they die? Do they get hung
r- neng guar egg you through yard in nem (never negative through ya in them)
f-uh and when they die do they get removed
r-whom you egg with Zeus, ya within em ah
f- when people are walking around with all those nets
r-stand through vault, the one we allow with you
f- So then what happens
r-its never held any of us

My Question:
Here I am trying to discover truth from fiction. Trying to dechipher the book the Body Snatchers by Susan Reed. She says that the reptilian, Brian, sometimes Ettish would be talking to her. She asks questions. One of it is, um, people uh, the reason that they are here is for enlightenment or ascension, uh, so they can have, uh, a higher spirituality. That’s one of the reasons, I guess evolution, hmm? And, uh, they, their agenda is to keep people down so they don’t ever achieve a high vibration, enlightenment. I don’t like the term ascension or enlightenment, you know, that makes it, puts red flags up for me just with those terms so maybe there is some truth to that, just to um realizing that we are separated from our true father and mother. Okay so, says here that they have the cord, they cord people like Hare Krishna or they net them and they net people with higher consciousness or higher vibration to, uh, keep them corded up, stripped them of everything, past lives and more. Then we let them, then we let him go so they find somebody with a high vibration, they work on their heart to make it look like a heart attack, oh, this is when they kill them and they have them corded up, stripped them of everything, past lives and more. Then we let him go. Um, let’s see. Said we’re getting help from the higher planes. It says that, um well that must be the Alliance. They never call it the Alliance. Well they say they get fight ins from the Pleiadians and they have a strong hold on our akashic records. She says Ettish says you, you’ll, so you don’t go anyplace. The anti enlightenment program. You don’t go any place. You don’t go to the higher planes, you’ll try and get us out of there. Akashic records where you’ve got a strong hold. You’ll prevent us tweaking your karma and more besides. Once your there, higher planes, we can’t touch you. Okay it says they don’t want us to go to the other planes. They don’t want us to, um, be spiritually high so then they can’t touch you so its harder. They don’t want us to have any higher consciousness. Um, uh, There is a reptilian implant that detects people of a high vibration. This implant causes an extremely unpleasant sensation to that reptilian when near that person above a certain high vibration. Brian has admitted he has this and talked about looking for people who would set him off as he termed it. She talks about doing this thing called Luminescence. I don’t trust that but she says that uh Brian was after her because this program is a higher energy program, Luminescence. She does spiritual work that makes her vibrate in a higher frequency. I feel that is more reptilian weirdness. Okay so she had to meditate and all that. Maybe another thing for loosh. Talks about weapons. Weapons that cord you. Make you, uh, make you depressed and Jacuzzi, you have to do a Jacuzzi for at least, I don’t know how long 20 minutes. She said she did a Jacuzzi for 2 hours or something and it took away all her cording, mind control devices and what not.

f- mind control devices and what not.
r-hey, you ready Zeus, with the an on the loosh ya we go nic

r-neoung ya doh

f- 2 hours or something and it took away all her
r-her thought a work with thinning it neccess for survival

f- I don’t know how long 20 minutes. She said she did a Jacuzzi for
r-if with we lose we do this resist send a meno with a lie on it

f- you have to do a Jacuzzi for at least
r-she laugh with youth this girl is the fight

f- depressed and a Jacuzzi
r-she’s zouth with the net self beat

f- Weapons that cord you. Make you, uh, make you
r-who we’ve been, uh we’ve been, we throwc was never

f- Talks about weapons
r-snever war bis for

f- Okay so she had to meditate and all that. Maybe another thing for loosh.
r-ma she loved neither len u me mathe on its be them basically

f- I feel that is more reptilian weirdness
r-sven through negative spirit net fabric ya

f- She does spiritual work that makes her vibrate in a higher frequency.
r-fish net a fear and revel earth’s in it her wolf flirts it

f- is a higher energy program, Luminescence.
r-snit sends and will make woof with your net area has it

f- that uh Brian was after her because this program
r-my work she said it will hurt hassle nail the net

f- She talks about doing this thing called Luminescence. I don’t trust that but she says
r-the fish do add serf on it, sniffs and we walk net abused, odd Scottish

f- and talked about looking for people who would set him off as he termed it.
r-it mark the set for me yes, the woo who we throw nic the odd micba

f- Brian has admitted he has this and talk
r-lock net sits and he hid in thin air

f- when near that person above a certain high vibration.
r-nets here where we are on earth see the serf baring you

f- This implant causes an extremely unpleasant sensation to that reptilian
r-negative spirit add this, niss yes snu snu we are maggot in with skin a vivochnaf mix it

f- that detects people of a high vibration.
r- where we are ever will we scare this devil

f-there is a reptilian implant
r-mad met in the U.S. very zee rate


f- its harder. They don’t want us to have any higher consciousness
r-since its not vare/there/fair invest general with it, her rocks it

f- be spiritually high because then they can’t touch you so
r-wish that knife been that serf, beware he will search you

f- planes. They don’t want us to, um,
r-member this a known what it fears

f- Once your there, higher planes, we can’t touch you. Okay so he says they don’t want us to go to the other higher
r-we are harder do this get on with it, just USA what wish that knife you snare, we are hurried through snow

f- tweaking your karma and more besides.
r-we are see roam/Rome and rock we net you

f- where you’ve got a strong hold. You’ll prevent us
r-sir never we will harf see thout (doubt?) we will

f- You don’t go to the higher planes, you’ll try and get us out of there. Akashic records
r-zook know its harch but forever like sir egg in the air, do it in the air, we are hazardous query

f- The anti enlightenment program. You don’t go any place.
r-surf the net all query, my work with them they are sna

f- you’ll, so you don’t go anyplace.
r-surf the net all cord yous hoe you

f-he says, Ettish says, you
r-says his net does he

f- a strong hold on our akashic records.
r-it’s the earth that we suck and it will harms her

f-and they have

f- Well they say they get fight ins from the Pleiadians
r-my snake elf been with slid out negative here moe

f- well that must be the Alliance. They never call it the Alliance.
r-its there but they walk, prevent it, its snail, here leaps the memo


f-it says that we are getting help from the higher planes. It says that
r-its bad says the sn yes we are hunger for healing your vested

f-let’s see, um
r-ma hits ne(t)

f-then they have them corded up, stripped them of everything, past lives and more. Then we let him go
r-walk with heavy net there on this wealth side me hear it vimiss groups federal move the hand then

f- they work on their heart to make it look like a heart attack, oh, this is when they kill them
r-my life been a dishevel, past the rock here down, will lick him mister, all her now through it

f-Then we let them, then we let him go so they find somebody with a high vibration
r-this here where we hide the rhythms, in there fear us, walk me hand they went, met thally wet

f- corded up, stripped them of everything, past lives and more
r-her own is val sack nit he wait them is this by the road

f- or higher vibration to, uh, keep them
r-maybe the wish and this here we are very hope

f- or they net them and they net people with higher consciousness
r-sense/since this doc very har(d?), they will be hanging but then neither

f- they cord people like Hare Krishna
r-answer theory hard to look we broke it

f- says here that they have the cord
r-they broke it, vah here, bad berry says

f- separated from our true father and mother. Okay so
r-whatever hear them, never truth ya, murphey nervous is this

f- maybe there is some truth to that, just to um realizing that we are
r-hurry wet, miss ya we wait, wish been given, sad this truth must surely been

f- a high vibration, enlightenment. I don’t like the term ascension or enlightenment, you know, that makes it, puts red flags up for me
r-heem brook, vas val fairsbicm, its been hell morning, and am this nest it murfed it, yam more that am yam, this here where we are where her

f- people down so they don’t ever achieve
r-leash the vet what else might look weak

f- um, and, uh, they, their agenda is to keep
r-we descend right through it, heal the net, my

f-I guess evolution, hmm?
r-hmm and this rule will of vight save you

f- spirituality. That’s one of the reasons
r-mmm see rhythms with net we still louse through us

f- so they can have, uh, a higher
r-hurry ya her, uh, va a nic divorce

f- the reason that they are here is for enlightenment or ascension
r-and this net zero nem and the earth sit, hurry hurt then there’s evil

f- I would be talking to her. She asks questions. One of it is, um, people
r- won’t be my, see livin all with nis here sad is her is knee cause keep do it

f -She says that the reptilian, Brian, sometimes Ettish
r-say that mad ve, they are negative spirit bad says heesh

f- truth from fiction. Trying to dechipher the book the Body Snatchers by Susan Reed.
r-hearm nez with its her Zurich nah see dog but spook wither faces this nerve, nes get smurf thrus

f- Here I am trying to discover
r-your advice sits nerve Mary

My Question:
Reptilians say to humans that the spirit can actually be killed, not just the body, but spirit itself can be killed. Is that correct or spirit can never be killed and they are immortal and indefinite, or as the reptilians say that even spirit can be killed?
f- even spirit can be killed
r-would he net earth’s serveee
f- are immortal and indefinite, or as the reptilians say that
r-that his negative spirit that are all man if fed naniler on me (manifest/ma nail on me)
f- Is that correct or spirit can never be killed and they are
r-her all in net hoof beat reven(ge) nic spirits her all, her rook as feet
f-, not just the body, but itself can be killed
r-bush in my fuss bit airy but without the shittin on
f- Reptilians say to humans that the spirit can actually be killed
r-bush bewilders fight in it hurries the memories

The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed

This post has mysteriously disappeared. I will need to locate it and repost. So strange.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Do We Choose Our Own Parents?

I have been having a difficult time reversing the subject of choosing our own parents. I am not getting any coherent answers in reverse. It all looks inconclusive to me. I am posting up my reversals anyway and perhaps when I feel like it again, I will give it another go, but for now, maybe you can make something out of it.

F: People okay
R: people hold me

F: Sleepwalking
R: he neck all eats

F: Numbed out
R: why mon

F: Then I chose to be with two
R: wish that we’d surf beyond net

F: That makes more sense to me
R: hims smash ons the met

F: This place that I live in, you know
R: money mit them now as slaves them

F: anywhere far to help fix
R: shift, war is rough where we net

F: so then I will not learn anything, so then I will not get
r: written on alls snee bein or on the wow nethers

f: sheep
r – beesh

r-nick pulp its

f- two totally
r-here we walk through it

f-put me here with
r- they wear him out

f- chose my parents for me
r-enough snare it beyond the worst

f- that the reptilians
r- so know your with spirit, bad

f- my mom and dad. Makes more sense
r-this net sums it, Dad and Mom

f- chose them as my
r- am same as you are

f-It is hard to think that
r-we are net, net this girl station

f- It just caused more confusion
r- miss wish, myth bone drops it

f-from them
r- a member

f- I’ve not learned a nick of truth
r-through stupid net, nerve on that

f- from her all my irritations, frustrations and bad temperament and from my father as well.
r- I was there with them, with net member, meth that me near shear surfs knee she it dure it ya ma moo her

f- really loving. I’ve also learned
r-and her ugly snot when you finally learn

f- how to be
r-he misfired

f- how to love from my mother
r- we’ll remember fun with ba

f- To be fair I learned
r- in your larry fields

f- I’ve learned nothing from them. I had to unlearn everything that I learned from them. r- enough know there and if he met now I’m not with there, member me from nerve the

f- totally asleep
r-insane roof

f- My mother and father? They are
r-her are a through loft

f- my mom and my father?
r-they’re the family, Mom

f- Do we choose our own parents? Did I choose my
r-Ya I’m fused in, smurry more a smee stuit

r-in your not knew (new)

f-or when I
r-ya know a

f-came here
r-wake me

f-mom and dad when I
r-ya I know that my mom

f-my own
r-am war am

f-if I chose
r-should snuff it

f-okay, I want to know
r-One is nowhere I aye

This next bit is all in reverse. I wasn’t getting anywhere and was starting to get impatient so no forwards here:
sway get out
her love net rhythm more
and why in the hell
that eve wish the
their wide hole/whole
that soup up
this natural
her love net with
from them net use the net the old skit
the hair lift
her love, net earth them more
am throughish they’re it / am too scare it
all nay am no
am who is scared nick
bad net mom nor am foolish
we are it, bad net mom nor am
gay, we are ick
heard/herd of net earth
the more am ick they are ifb
a net am amore am
ick there are ick

Now back to forwards here after taking a little break
f-have no idea what it is
r-so you know why we are want there

f-trying to tell me about pick
r-throughout them why pick near

f-ing my own parents
r-its near it more young/ spirit more young

f-I’m just gonna make a guess here
r-Erase snake gay, gay manner is not

f-I picked my mom and dad
r-Dad and my mom picked the

f-To learn lessons
r-Miss send her a lick

f-I guess that is the truth
r-Use it throughout save ya/savior

f-I single handedly
r-Ill dinner held nish fear/ ill dinner held us in fear

f-Picked my own mother
r-Rhythm war them pick

f-Cuz I need to learn lessons that
r-With this under with me nervich

f-And I single handedly picked
r-Big weed/pick we the net home we shared

f-My own father because I need to
r-Wish me there if vic spirit the form

f-Learn lessons from them

f-No it is not true
r-Who wish on see the ONE

f-That the reptilians
r-Its negative their vet, bad

f-Pick my parents for me is not
r-I’msua near it rothsneara vam or am gey

f-True that another
r-Rhythm that they are vooshed

f-Being that means
r-Means that a need

f-In negative and feed and loosh
r-In this shit net we divis again

f-Are picking my mom and dad are
r-Roc bad me mom hear meec bigger/ hear me bicker

f-I had a say in who
r-Who in the air said that ya

f-I choose as
r-That wish there

f-Mother and father
r-Her thought the rhythm

r-Its ya vick

f-Are they randomly selected from
r-Must have us seem me nerves fear not

f-Um are our parents or
r-hurl it’s their ray about spa

f-pick our
r-her all be

f-did the reptiles
r-slaf the rivet

f-do we have some limited options or
r-her misba is membe mess through who

f-the option of picking it or
r-hurl made it va in this va up

f-or do
r-we have

f-or technological program
r-my work with ya line get through

f-computer program
r-my work predict muck

f-pick it through some
r-must groove naked

f-or does the net
r-and is it her

f-do we have a say or not in choosing our own parents
r-snray nor ong is zues na na ray survive he with

f-in picking our own parents
r-snare it more of me pick net

f-us people on Earth
r-this sure not all big shot

f-do we have a say or not
r-honor it, survive here with

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Been Wondering about Angels

A really quick reversal.

Forward Question: Hey, I was wondering about angels. Are all angels bad?

Reverse Answer: Bad for nee all. Awful net. God been near, knows the light.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Update on Eve, Isis, Mary Magdalene

After posting up my findings on Eve, Isis, and Mary Magdalene yesterday (http://lwreversals.blogspot.com/2010/04/we-are-all-connected.html), I had this fluttering in my heart that just did not feel right. Although my answers yesterday confirmed that we are all connected to one another, I didn't feel I interpreted it correctly about who Isis and Mary were. From reverse speech, I have come to realize that those such as angels, Jesus, ascended masters, yogis, saints, gurus and the like were either made up or reptilian influenced, and this list includes the Mother Mary. So I went back over to read up on my last post and the reverses never did state that Eve and Isis or Mary were the exact same person. It never spoke once about Isis or Mary in reverse either. It did only talk about Eve. So today as I turn on the computer to make new recording to update and post corrections on this subject matter, I also log on to the EVP Reverse Speaking site to catch up on posts. As I open Peggy's site, I just do my usual and scroll my mouse any old place to skim over to find where I left off. I just so happen to stop right on the exact same spot that Peggy has posted in reply to my previous post on this subject of Eve, Isis, Mary Magdalene as being the same person. To my relief Peggy had the same idea in mind so we now have Peggy's reversals and mine will follow after her's.

Is Eve the same person as Isis and Mary?

Peggy Kane says on April 7th, 2010 at 8:28 am

"I just went over to the link from L.W.
She is posting her reversals (Good Job!) on the interesting topic if Eve, Isis and Mary Magdalene are elements of the same person and relating this to the 3 faces of Eve which was the story of a woman with several personalities.
I decided to put in my 2 cents. This was the second and third forward and reversal:

all we want is her

are we all the same

miss it, law a One
From my research Isis is also the same as Ishtar and Inanna. When I reversed Zacharia Sitchen talking about Inanna, his reversals were not very pleasant. He said “She has a snout” and other things that weren’t very positive. All of the so-called ancient gods are reptilian creations. This includes Sumer and Egypt.
I believe that Mary Magdalene is a part of the Jesus Myth. Since I believe that Jesus is just one of many solar saviors given to us by the reptilians with their relgions and holy books, then Mary doesn’t have too much to stand on.
Check the video Zeitgeist which gives a lot of details about the many “saviors” and how they all follow the same pattern including Jesus.
The DaVinci Code was all about Mary Magdalene.
We heard that Leonardo DaVinci never existed when I did the reversals on Leonard Horowitz talking about the DaVinci code. Don’t forget, past history is usually either non existent or manipulated.
Unfortunately I lost that link to the video of the bright person showing us that ancient history is filled with contradictions and postulating that we’ve only had about 1,000 years of real history.
So are the three women all a part of Eve? I don’t believe so, but since we are all sons and daughters of the One and Eve, then we are much more a part of Her than the made-up characters of so-called history.
That’s my feelings on a very interesting subject.
Thanks L.W. for posting that link."

Peggy Kane on April 7th, 2010 at 8:29 am

"One more thought about the above post. I think the reversal that says:
All we want is Her.
Sums it up nicely."

Question: Okay, well something is just not sitting right for me. I’ve been sleeping on it and my last reversals never revealed that Isis, and Mary Magdalene were, um, part of Eve. It just said that, um, we are all connected, and then it has been sitting uncomfortably with me, been slept on it, and I know Mary is not real. You know I even took down the picture of Mary that my husband had in the flat. Every time I used the bathroom, funny enough, I would flip her picture over or I would eye her and I would say I know who you are, Mary, you’re a reptile. Um, especially since she was in the bathroom and they were putting up mind control devices up the toilet and then I had to stare at the Mary picture, so yes, eventually my husband took it down. So, um, I wanted tom uh, update, I guess. I wanted to make sure, uh, because my reversals wasn’t feeling right, so I, I just, you know, I wanted to make sure, and then, later on today, I, I’m looking up to, uh, my posts and, um, Peggy has posted that she also, um, does not think that Mary and Isis were real, um, so all righty that confirms it for me. Um, but I just wanted to say a little, talk about that.

f: um, so all righty that confirms it for me. Um, but I just wanted to say a little, talk about that.





r: Add vodka for the lease ,

his denounce it,

they are more (took out gibberish)

I’ll be there with ma



f: that she also, um, does not think that Mary and Isis were real



r: Why it wrote this snot and urine, bad myth answers not, whose fault is it



f: to, uh, my posts and, um, Peggy has posted



r: This was a bigger money sloth member wish



f: You know, wanted to make sure, and then, later on today, I, I’m looking up




r: Barn it king ,we are a age nardian

and then the earth seems little whining



f: Uh because my revearse, rehearse, my reversal weren’t feeling right so I, I just




r: Is this the air or is there relief, let the love serve you lambs, sure helps serve you lambs, baaa



f: Update, I guess. I wanted to make sure



r: Her wish in this stand over a Savior gave up



f: So, yes, eventually, my husband took it down, so, um, I wanted to uh-uh-uh



r: Uh, wish been him, my words wise, took this net down, he was never safe



f: and then I had to stare at the Mary picture



r: Purse big pear him the thigh is this the Helen of



f: mind control devices up the toilet



r: Hello sisba, just have with both with them



f: Especially since it was in the bathroom and they were putting up



r: Want me to throw in them,

Never been had, been zooish in silly search



f: Or I would eye her and I would say I know who you are, Mary, you’re a reptile. Um



r: My black furry urine you are now if you wonder who you are in the world



f: Would flip her picture over

r: Her voice big business

Every time I used the bathroom, funny enough, I would



Hell wealth her name enough for five disease you must screw in



f: Had in the flat



r: Ass fun the day



f: You know I even took down the picture of Mary that my husband



r: And nibs the hermit, here I am working in white with nivi on it



f: Is not real



r: Why you stands the



f: And then been sitting uncomfortably on it, slept on it, and I know Mary



r :Here I am won ya the nena seems the wheel with luck, negative snoops



f: Um, we’re all connected and then



r: And then the it ends are you my



f: Um, part of me, it just said that



r: That says this to me and then we’re off, am I



f: Reversals never revealed that Isis and Mary Magdalene were




r: Her nillard man Mary met, says here at those of you ruins lost her view



f: Okay, well something is just not sitting right for me. I’ve been sleeping on it and my last





r: Sad numb net, they’re not with you, snake there,

him wrote ill ,

need this sounds real, stringly,

my slow way go



My Take:

Way off in the beginning the reversal answers.

So is Eve also Isis and Mary?

In forward I ask: that she also, um, does not think that Mary and Isis were real?

Reverse reveals: Why it wrote this snot and urine, bad myth answers not, whose fault is it

Mary and Isis are just myths composed of crap, well, snot and urine, rather, and a bad myth at that. These crap myths will never give us any answers.

In my forward here I ask about the Mary picture my husband put up in the bathroom, which he eventually did take down.

Forward: Every time I used the bathroom, funny enough, I would

Reverse: Hell wealth her name enough for five disease you must screw in

…and here I ask while I flip Mary’s picture over so I don’t have to have it watching me while I use the bathroom

Forward: Would flip her picture over

Reverse: Her voice big business

This is an interesting statement made…

Reverse: Is this the air or is there relief, let the love serve you lambs, sure helps serve you lambs, baaa

Let the love serve the sleepers.

There are some more really intriguing reversal reveals from this but I like the last one…

Reverse: Sad numb net, they’re not with you, snake there, him wrote ill

Poor net, all alone now, no longer keeping company with any snake companions. Seems net is feeling ill, perhaps feeling a wee-bit coo-coo.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We Are All Connected

Miss Dee talks about Treee from the EVP Reverse Speaking Forum on April 6th, 2010 at 9:35 pm and posts this video up of Treee.


My Question: Treee says that Isis, Mary Magdalene, Eve are all fragment personalities. Miss Dee says “Remember the three faces of Eve ? The movie based on the real story and of course we see split personality as a common theme particularly right now and pop culture and with us women.” Miss Dee says, “I have thought, I have myself thought that Isis, Mary and Eve were one and the same and so I have a very, very, very mild case of split personalities myself,” so are Isis, Mary Magdalene and Eve all the same people? The three faces of Eve? Is Treee a fragment of Isis, Mary Magdalene, Eve? Are they all the same people? Are we as women.... are we all Eve, and we’re just a fragment of Eve, Isis and Mary Magdalene? The general population of women... are we all the same person? Are we all fragment of Eve?



fragment of Eve

Evil men gap

( Eve foot mend gap)

person are we all

all we want is her

are we all the same

miss it, law a One

the general population of women

an open sill we bop on with it

(and open still we bop on with it)

Eve, Isis and Mary Magdalene

Young and merry (marry) me she shall be

And we’re just a fragment of

Blood of them ya fizzes through me

Are we all Eve

Eve all a one (Eve all a wah)

Are we as women

Na knows there Eve all

Are they all the same people

Will we miss survive it all

Isis, Mary Magdalene, Eve

Will feed noon na maron says ya

A fragment of

for men gaf

Is Treee

Eve sway

The three faces of Eve

Of Eve this is safe here’s the

All the same people

Will we miss this fall (ball)

Are Isis, Mary Magdalene and Eve

Feed net, (took out gibberish) this is ya her all

Very mild case of split personalities myself, so

Was a same feet (feat) though I’m through, it was so, see it glam me red

And so I have a very, very

Vee ray vee rey vee the hair does me

Isis, Mary and Eve were one and the same

Is the net now roam (Rome) free, net your answers here

I have myself thought that

An awful shame that I have

Miss Dee says, “I have thought”

Offer her the seat too

And pop culture and with us women

Alone with her, fill net earth apartment

Particularly right now

One gave you with this bird

Personality as a common theme

Weave new mock is it chief dinosaur

And of course we see split

It was (took out gibberish) so the net

The movie based on the real story

The earth slave we’re not safe these women

Remember the three faces of Eve

Feed does it say fear for man you

Miss Dee says

Says see the room

Isis, Mary Magdalene, Eve are all fragment personalities

Ick through anus through nimb we are for feed (took out gibberish) sis ya

Treee says that

Access Eve

My interpretation: I believe woman all have a connection with Eve, Isis, Mary Magdalene and one another, and this even includes Treee. I found it especially intriguing here in forward where I ask if Treee was a fragment of Isis, Mary Magdalene, Eve.

Forward: Is Treee?

Reverse answers: Eve sway.

How cool is that? Eve is swaying just like a tree.

Here reverse tells us that yes, Treee does have communication with Eve.

Forward: Treee says that

Reverse: Access Eve

Here some more interesting reversal revealations.

When asking if we, women are just a fragment of Eve, Isis, Mary…

Forward: And we’re just a fragment of

Reverse answers: Blood of them ya fizzes through me

Forward: Are we all Eve

Reverse says: Eve all a one

Forward: Are we all the same?

Reverse reveals: Miss it. Law a One.

We are all the same as One. It is law, but in general we miss it, or rather forget or don’t feel connected.

Well, this confirms it for me, even though I don't need rs to prove it to me. This knowledge is ingrained in us all. We, as women, as well as men and all of creation are all connected. We probably all have memories of Eve and others all hidden somewhere and locked away in our memory banks.

To see an update to this post: