I wonder if getting into a Jacuzzi bath everyday will get rid of mind control devices. I read that Susan Reed used to do it to get rid of hers but I wanted to reverse to see if it in fact does work.
From my previous reverse, rs said that Susan tried this because she thought that it might help but rs did not say if it actually worked or not. Here taken from my previous post about Susan sitting in a Jacuzzi bath for 2 hours to help rid the mind control devices she had, my rs says that she just thought it may help to ensure her survival...
f- 2 hours or something and it took away all her
r-her thought a work with thinning it neccess for survival
So now I ask in a separate post to clarify the question.
Rs sums it all up in one sentence here in a very humorous way at that...
f- does getting into a Jacuz
r- fish do it, negative fad
Well, I guess it doesn't work then. Oh well, back to the drawing board...
Interesting reversals taken from below but off the subject:
earl invented reiki
Vishnu's negative
Full forwards and backwards below.
My Question:
What about getting into a jacuzzi everyday to get rid of chips and mind control devices? Does that work? A simple yes or no will suffice and please stick to that question and answer. I don't need to go on about what is going on in the universe or any of that. A simple yes or no is fine, unless you find it pertinent to tell me what is going on in the universe.
f- pertinent to tell me what is going on in the universe.
r- serpent in and on you still we must mend through
f- A simple yes or no is fine, unless you find it
r- been off for some and now so honor self
f- going on in the universe or any of that. A simple
r- much sad now even know sure when you will moving on know
f- question and answer. I don't need to go on about what
r- been grabbing all with the being what ever's at, not neccessar(y)
f- A simple yes or no will suffice and please stick to that
r- add this achievement, sad for foreigner, say you miss it
f- and mind control devices? Does that work?
r- Earl adds it, its here revolve nic mare met
f- What about getting into a jacuzzi bath everyday to get rid of chips
r-spit water at this gate, the ray is Zeus, put them in ick, what the know
So what does that mean? Why isn't it recording?
Does getting into a jacuzzi bath everyday for at least 2 hours remove some mind control devices if not all? Does it remove all or some? Does it remove any at all? Jacuzzi bath everyday?
f- any at all? Jacuzzi bath everyday?
r- here you with had with zeus is fall in net
f- Does it remove all or some? Does it remove
r- whom that resist, whom the resin monster wah
f-some mind control devices if not all
r- mall answer through seer with more newf nam must
f- day for at least 2 hours remove
r- full misera oats view earth fate
f-Jacuzzi bath every
r- Eve ret sad be Zeus
f- does getting into a Jacuz
r- fish do it, negative fad
f- So what does this mean?
r- name outfit the war oars
My Question:
Okay, so if getting into a jacuzzi bath doesn't work to get rid of chips and mind control devices, if that is correct, I got that information correct- it does not work, then what does? What works to get rid of mind control devices and chips and implants? What works? Does faster eft tapping with intention to get rid of it work? Does magnets work? What is the solution? Sending love to it work?
f- Sending love to it work?
r- her wished on in this
f- What is the solution?
r- nin this, net sure was the freak though
f- magnets work
r- hurts in yam
f- um does
r- sit the
f- to get rid of it work
r- earl invented reiki
f- tapping with intention
r-nish nack myth through, hang it back
f- Does faster eft
r- bees fight Earth's falsehood (talking about bee bombers?)
f- What works, uh
r- uh, screw up
f-and chips and implants
r- its now me and nah fish and mah
f-mind control devices
r-fear the wolf nic nem
f-then what does? What works to get rid of
r-follow a gift, it's earl ow, it's a act though, own it
f-I got that information correct, it does not work?
r-earl answers the earth, mi-serves fire bite ya
f-if that is correct
r-hair rook, she loves it
f-to get rid of chips and mind control devices
r-Zeus here revolve with them this fish federate it
f-Okay, so if getting into a jacuzzi bath doesn't work
r-earl witnesses hard, be Zeus, Vishnu's negative, it was see ache bur
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