lava says on May 14th, 2010 at 8:09 pm
"Right now, I’m working on EFT and Ringing Cedars reversals, using audio from video clips. I did reversals on Anastasia several months ago, by reading text from book 6, and heard references to wolf and fibs. I’d like to confirm (or dispute) those early reversals."
My response to lava............
L.W. on May 14th, 2010 at 10:22 pm
I am so looking forward to your Anastasia reversals. I did some reversals on her but not from reading from her books. I lack the patience for that. I just asked what I wanted to know, but then I couldn't decipher any of it. It all seemed a jumble mess to me. I am fairly new to rs and if it isn't laid out in black and white I am like - huh? But because you have found some lies, I am reading over my past rs and trying to decipher it. I don't know if my interpretation is correct though.
f- Anastasia stuff that's going around
r-along yo that fucks, hashish the net (Anastasia stuff fucks with you along with all the other mixed up crap along with some truth going around)
f-what about the Space of Love and what is
r-we’ll never fuss see a boo sh sit bobido (Space of Love is all a bunch of bullshit)
f- Supposedly has a ray of light that she can
r- a neck/net is that, ya will there rook (her ray of light is some sort of net)
f- She supposedly lives in Russia
r-hush her if they real, busy work with snake (Anastasia works for a reptile)
f-Annastasia’s ray of love
r-vamixverah whatever associates the net (again the ray of love is a net)
f-and loves her and protects her
r-Earth’s get, may Earth’s fall net (Anastasia’s net will fall in May? Or may the Earth’s net fall?)
f-notize and away with images
r-she is unique, the real one this earth got (Unique in what way? The real what? A real reptile? A real hybrid?)
From this reversal about Anastasia:
r-she is unique, the real one this earth got
Also I kind of think that Anastasia's ray of love/light may be a net that she has made friends with. I reversed to see if that was a correct statement but I couldn't decipher it.
The rs did reveal that the reps wanted to keep the book quiet and out of the lime light.
I also wondered why Anastasia never disclosed information about reptiles and the reverse said that maybe she considered it but decided not to in the end?
f-She never once goes into reptiles devouring people
r-will we nero a vic, she was but there is nasty work snow among us
My complete forwards and reverses below:
Anastasia of the Ringing Cedar series written by Vladanir Megre.
f- Vladanir Megre
r- your vimem madalf
f- Vladanir Megre
r- here again marine the nalv
f-Anastsia of the Ringing Cedar series written by
r- yah em im series sure of these mini verva, as yes fin at
f- You know there are some things that don't understand that doesn't quite
r-we are nurses for my, sure no orgasm get nurse through my
f-Who is Anastasia of the Anastasia series book by Vladamir Megre? She supposedly lives in
f- match up with reverse speech.
r- sheeps serve you, help us and
f-or was she going to another planet, or another dimension that is within the net
r-and the nets sits and then its nen and then there are nab in the nooks knew it, be sewer it will
f- the net that keeps us away from other planets
r-nay not the numb of fear war, serfs ifs it, end it
f- then what about
r-water new weather
f-but if that's possible
r-all was fought as figure
f- and saves another planet
r-then ask with thun nurse face in it
f- She even goes onto another planet
r- then naf the nunner, mayis nish your nay vish
f-She never once goes into reptiles devouring people
r-will we nero a vic, she was but there is nasty work snow among us
f-notize and away with images
r-she is unique, the real one this earth got
f- images who can implant images ,should the people and hyp
r-bic know all, we put this sewers emit, now manic this, see age limit
f- the world is that way because of these priests who have
r-va who sear, see if this vee all adds to the wood
f-who rule the world or run the world and
r-live our one down the law, woods lore
f-priest magicians who
r-woo soon sits into fear
f- like, they're like sorcerers who are six
r-spits through earth, serves rough, gather again
f-There're six of them, these six
r-spits through my verse gets to it
f- and what is this she talks about these six ancient priests
r-sheef nis nee spish see, why this cock tissue in though me
f- Anastasia stuff that's going around
r-along yo that fucks, hashish the net
f- the reppy influence in all of this
r-shiver all innate, snow roof net, Eve parrot
f-what about the Space of Love and what is
r-we'll never fuss see a boo sh sit bobido
f- beam around and protect her and has some love and
r-move this law mmm must say nay earth ya this men why rummy
f- Supposedly has a ray of light that she can
r- a neck/net is that, ya will there rook
f-she supposedly has
r-sa hell is you vixes
f-um, Taiga, the Taiga forest
r-sherrif foot la with there tha, ma
f-in these virgin forests
r-sherrif make ther within
f- She supposedly lives in Russia
r-hush her if they real busy work with snake
f-book by Vladamir Megre?
r-air clean, her involve in ya book
f-Anastasia series
r-series hush, see it the net
f-Who is Anastasia of the
r-herva her see its finate see ooo
She has a ray of love that that follows her around and protects her that's a correction, Ray of Love. Annastasia's ray of love.
f-Annastasia's ray of love
r-vamixverah whatever associates the net
f-that's a correction, Ray of Love
r-va rook va err an this air rook with her
f-that follows her around and protects her
r-earths gather net why rose show love at
f-she has a ray of love
r-lone verever say heesh
Okay, so I gather, Anastasia's ray of love is nothing but a net that was put on her, around her, that she has made friends with. Is this correct? She has made friends with her net and her net acknowledges her and loves her and protects her. Is this what is happening?
f- Is this what is happening?
r- in hospital visit
f-and loves her and protects her
r-Earth's get, may Earth's fall net
f-and her net acknowledges her
r-Earth is still on, get in her net
f-She has made friends with her net
r-and ner the nerve him the heesh
f-that she has made friends with. Is this correct?
r-ya rook sits it, help nerve him the he sit
f- that was put on her, around her
r-her ma wrote, her mother sweat
f- is nothing but a net
r-any them net funds it
f-Okay, so I gather, Anastasia's ray of love
r-her volver air roof will shay va sin at Earth figot with say book
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