It talks about paying them some money to learn how to become immortal. It says on their site “Discover the Long Lost 5,000 year old Immortality Rites of the Immortal Yogis that Will Make You Look and Feel 10-Years Younger with Simple, Pleasurable Exercises.”
This made me curious to see how much reppy influence this had. I mean I believe yogis have their fair share of reptiles.
I only got to a very few reversals when my laptop ran out of juice (moody adapter, not the original one that came with my computer) and my work got erased so there are no forwards, only the reversals, but the forward is not important anyway, just the info that holds the truth is.
We net all of em evil, we net near
the knock me nerves pure evil
sooner we are all alone, net, alone yeah
must do cautionary
its if bish you happening/ its if bish you have a name
make him stop now
the eve’s is for her amusement
we hear from the inadvenous hos snips and it all goons goose homes
evil babes
me nerves botherings good girls is
the net is sick,
the meek is sick though, right now freakin out
no right now fraid not
no one wants evil babes
me nerves
My take on all this? Go right ahead and spend your money on Immortal Kindergarten and learn to become an Immortal Baby and you will become an evil babe, not just evil, but pure evil. Probably another way for the reps to get to you for more looshing.
Go figure.
Their website has all sorts of affiliations with Jesus. As we all know, Jesus is just another messed up myth or a reptilian in drag. Don't do it. Stay away, far, far away and save your money on groceries instead.
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